Finding Cemeteries in Little Compton, RI
As you do your deed, census and vital record research you will learn the names of the people who lived in your house. You will also discover that many of them are still residents of Little Compton – in the local cemeteries! Former residents who died before 1940 have a good chance of being found in Little Compton.
Visiting the graves of the former residents is a worthwhile activity. You many learn new details about their lives from the engraving on their headstones. It also gives you a chance to honor the people whose house you now steward.

You may come across the name of the burial location in death records or obituaries. Otherwise if you have the name and death date of people of interest you can look them up in the Little Compton Cemeteries Index (PDF) available on the Little Compton Historical Society Website.
The index is an alphabetical listing of the graves in Little Compton and provides the cemetery and sometimes even the row and stone location. Each cemetery – there are 46 in Little Compton – has a code. Use the map on the first page of the document to find the location of the cemetery.

It’s important to note that many of the smaller cemeteries in Little Compton are on private property. Some of these may allow access by arrangement and some do not. For a more thorough discussion of the cemeteries in Little Compton read Remember Me: A Guide to Little Compton’s 46 Historic Cemeteries which was published by the historical society in 2018.
This book provides details about each cemetery in Little Compton. It also lists information about which cemeteries you can visit and when, and which you can not. For cemeteries that are accessible by arrangement, the book gives the contact person and a way to reach them.

The book is available for purchase from the Little Compton Historical Society and