Further Reading for Wrentham, Massachusetts
Here are a list of local history books that may be a source of photos for your house or information about the history of Wrentham. Often times you will see mention of people who used to live in your house and the roles they played in town.
Wrentham History Books
Fiore, Jordan D. Wrentham, 1673-1973: A History. Wrentham, MA. Town of Wrentham, 1973.
Hurd, D. Hamilton, History Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Philadelphia: J.W. Lewis & Co., 1884. Available at Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/historyofnorfolk00hurd See pages 622-672. Print version available in the genealogy room at the Fiske Library, Wrentham.
Woodhams, C. Gordon an Earle T. Stewart. Wrentham (Images of America series). Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 1999.